Puppy pee pads

Discussion in 'Behaviour & Training' started by amy005, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. amy005

    amy005 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    Have these worked for anyone? If so which ones? I don't get my dog out as much as I should with my little one. It is too cold for me to bring the baby along with on walks so I try to bring my dog in the backyard while my baby is sleeping.. I usually do not stay out as long as I should at this time. I am thinking I need to get some kind of a puppy pee pad for my dog to help with accidents for the time being.. at least until it gets a little nicer out. I have thought about getting a dog walker but my dog is really bad with strangers.
    amy005, Feb 21, 2012
  2. amy005

    SheWolfSilver Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    My daughter uses them for her new puppy and the puppy doesn't really use them much. It goes everywhere in the house. They never made that much sense to me...I mean doesn't it just teach the puppy to go in the house which is what you don't want it to do? I always crate trained mine and it works much better because dogs don't like to go where they sleep.
    SheWolfSilver, Feb 22, 2012
  3. amy005

    Victor Leigh Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
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    How about teaching your dog to do it in the toilet? That should solve the problem permanently. Maybe you and your dog can do it together in the toilet sometimes, too.
    Victor Leigh, Feb 24, 2012
  4. amy005

    Mimij Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I tried those pads and have not had a positive experience. Recently I went to work outside of the home and the girls are unable to go out every time they have to potty. I have one dog that will do her best to wait.. Ready to go as soon as I get home. My other dog, she will go to door or bark if we are home. If not she prefers the carpet. I bought one of those green grass carpets that are triple layered. Dogs are suppose to go potty on it and then since it has layers and can be washed this would be great. They lay on it and potty right beside it.
    Mimij, Mar 28, 2012
  5. amy005

    zararina Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    With my experience with puppies, those pads would not work. ;)
    Good thing we have some space outside with gates so we just leave the door open in order for them to go out anytime they want it.
    Maybe letting them do their thing in the bathroom can work, they will eventually learn proper places to pee and poo when they get older. ;)
    zararina, Mar 28, 2012
  6. amy005

    Amanda Brown Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    I never had any luck with those pads. My dog always peed to the side of it or right by the edge so that it went under the pad and made a big mess. My favorite thing they he likes to do with the pad is shred it to pieces. I heard they make little holders that hold the pads in place but I have yet to find or try one. I am trying crate training right now since it was recommended to me.
    Amanda Brown, Mar 28, 2012
  7. amy005

    Victor Leigh Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
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    Just thought of something. How about combining the crate and the pad? Like put the pad in the crate. Then put the dog inside. After the dog has done it a few times on target, so to say, take the pad out. Then see if the dog still does it on target.
    Victor Leigh, Mar 29, 2012
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