Would You Ever Clone Your Dog?

Discussion in 'Dog Chat' started by OhioTom76, Sep 16, 2012.

  1. OhioTom76

    OhioTom76 Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    I saw a TV show on this a few months ago, where people were paying a pretty penny to have a clone made of their deceased pet. It was really creepy, and I don't understand why someone would want one of these. Even though it might look like your old dog, it's not the same dog you knew and loved. It could have a whole different personality and demeanor.
    OhioTom76, Sep 16, 2012
  2. OhioTom76

    Jessi Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    No way. Like you said, it's not the same personality, and really, even if it were.... would you want an exact replacement for your dog? It's still not going to be the same one. No thanks.
    Jessi, Sep 16, 2012
  3. OhioTom76

    pafjlh Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2012
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    You know there were some of my dogs that have now passed that I loved very much but would I clones them? I don't think so, because for me it wouldn't be the same dog. I also have learned that even if you miss the dog that you have lost you can fill that void in your life with a new dog whom you can also love.
    pafjlh, Sep 16, 2012
  4. OhioTom76

    claudine Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    I wouldn't clone Homer:( . This would be another dog. I wouldn't clone my child either:p . This is creepy. I'd rather buy a new dog but I prefer not to think about this because even though Homer is very naughty, I can't imagine life without him. A clone couldn't replace him.
    claudine, Sep 17, 2012
  5. OhioTom76

    Melody Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2012
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    I have had four very different dogs over my lifetime. Each one of them unique and special, flawed and beautiful. While there are qualities in each of them I wouldn't mind in a dog, there is no way I would want to clone them.

    It does creep me out a bit. Why would you want a replica? It seems to me that someone who chooses this option might be having a little trouble letting go.

    Also, even if it looks like your previous dog, is it really the same? Can you clone personality? Can you clone training? I just don't think it would be possible to have the exact same dog.

    I also wonder about longevity. Remember when they cloned that sheep, Dolly? She turned out to be born with the body of a 6 year old sheep. So, her life span was much shorter than had she been born naturally. Would you be getting a dog that would only live 3-4 years because of the age it "arrives" at? Maybe science has worked that out.

    I guess I don't see the need. There are so many wonderful dogs out there. While I wish Misha had Sierra's calm demeanor and love of all people, I wouldn't change her for the world. She is special in her own way. And, she doesn't steal food like Sierra did!
    Melody, Sep 17, 2012
  6. OhioTom76

    OhioTom76 Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    If you figure, identical twins may look alike, but they're still two different people. The cloned dog may look like your previous dog, but it's a whole different spirit.
    OhioTom76, Sep 18, 2012
  7. OhioTom76

    mkhtk79 Member

    Jan 18, 2019
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    mkhtk79, Jan 22, 2019
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