Teaching a male dog not to mark?

Discussion in 'Behaviour & Training' started by Melody, May 11, 2012.

  1. Melody

    Melody Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2012
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    My brother has a male Yorkie who is almost two years old. He's adorable, shy, quiet. The problem is he marks indoors.

    Luckily, he is very short. When he marks, he hits the floor rather than furniture. However, it's a terrible habit. Has anyone had any luck getting a male dog to stop marking indoors?

    Whenever he comes over, we close all the doors and try to confine him to one area of the house. We try to stop him as he does it. However, we almost always find a couple of small spots after he leaves.

    Any suggestions would be great.
    Melody, May 11, 2012
  2. Melody

    mkhtk79 Member

    Jan 18, 2019
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    We actually had this same problem with our most recent dog. He was totally housetrained but suddenly starting lifting his leg in the house, particulalry on the couch. Needless to say my wife wasn't too pleased. He actually would pee outside when we took him out but then would pee on the couch when we brought him inside. We took him to the vet to rule out a urinary tract infection, and it turned out he was fine. The vet said he was most likely urine marking.

    What worked for us was first using an enzyme spray on the couch which broke down the urine so he wouldn't be able to smell it want to pee there again. We actually got one of those mini dog hyrdrant pee posts and put it on a artificial grass pee pad. (He was originally housetrained on puppy pads.) He actually started peeing on the post right away. We actually left it in the same spot for a few days and then moved it a few feet closer to the door every day and then eventually outside the door.

    We moved it slowly into the yard and then all the way in to the corner of our property. We then took the fake grass pad away and put the pee post down right on the lawn where we wanted him to pee. This has becomes his pee spot. Although our two female dogs pee right next to it too.

    Here's a good article with some tips if anyone wants to use the same pee post/pee pad method we did: http://www.smartdogguide.com/a-dog-fire-hydrant-potty-is-your-lawns-best-friend/ This actually was our vet's idea not ours and I'm glad we did it because he didnt get punished, he ended up getting what he wanted which was a place to lift his leg, and we got a house free of pee. It was a win-win for us. Anyway hopes this helps someone else.
    mkhtk79, Jan 22, 2019
  3. Melody

    ADILHUSSAIN084 Active Member

    Oct 16, 2023
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    Teaching a male dog not to mark, especially indoors, can be a challenge but is achievable with patience and consistent training. Here are some steps to help address this behavior:

    1. Neuter Your Dog: Neutering can often reduce marking behavior in male dogs, especially if it's done early in their life.

    2. Supervision: When indoors, closely supervise your dog to catch them in the act. If you see them attempting to mark, interrupt them with a firm "No!" or a clap and then quickly take them outside.

    3. Frequent Potty Breaks: Ensure your dog has regular and ample opportunities to go outside to urinate. A dog's natural instinct is to mark his territory, so giving him appropriate outlets is important.

    4. Clean and Deodorize: Thoroughly clean any indoor marking spots with an enzymatic cleaner to remove the scent, as dogs are likely to revisit marked areas.

    5. Positive Reinforcement: Praise and reward your dog when they urinate in the appropriate outdoor spot. Positive reinforcement encourages them to do the right thing.

    6. Belly Bands or Doggie Diapers: Consider using belly bands or doggie diapers indoors as a temporary solution while you work on training.

    7. Crate Training: When you can't supervise your dog, use crate training to prevent marking indoors. Dogs are less likely to mark in their sleeping area.

    8. Consult a Trainer: If the problem persists, consult a professional dog trainer or behaviorist for personalized guidance.
    Remember that training can take time and consistency is key. Be patient with your dog, and stay consistent with your training efforts. Each dog is unique, and the duration of training may vary.
    ADILHUSSAIN084, Oct 24, 2023
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