"I give him a good beating"

Discussion in 'Dog Chat' started by Winterybella, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. Winterybella

    Winterybella Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2014
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    West Indies
    It's that or something similar that someone told me about his dog. He honestly believes that he should scold his dog by way of giving him a good whipping or beating. And it's all in the name of love he says. Some time ago someone told me I allow my dogs to get away with murder when I don't spank them when they have an accident in the house. It's something to do with our culture I think and it's going to take a while for many to understand that's not the right way. Thoughts please.
    Winterybella, Jul 15, 2016
  2. Winterybella

    amelia88 Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2016
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    Oh man, that's horrible to me - here if someone saw that and reported it to the local animal welfare bureau that person would get investigated and could get fines and jail time, and would get their pets taken away if the allegations were proven to be correct.

    I feel to me that animals are just like any other living creature - you can't just "beat" them to make them understand something. It's the act of a coward and someone who doesn't know any other way to train an animal :( Makes me really sad to hear things like that.
    amelia88, Jul 15, 2016
  3. Winterybella

    Winterybella Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2014
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    West Indies
    I plan on showing him some of what I have learned. The sad thing is that he thinks he's doing the right and loving thing. I tried explaining to him it's all about training his dog. The saddest part is that he's planning on breeding dogs as well. There are no laws for dealing with these kinds of issues that I am aware of in my country or if they are I don't know of them. Perhaps I should investigate it. I am very troubled about it and I don't know if I handled it well enough. He did not go away planning to change his actions -at least it did not appear that way.
    Winterybella, Jul 15, 2016
  4. Winterybella

    cluckeyo Active Member

    May 29, 2016
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    I knew an old man, who not long ago would tend to beat his dog. One day the dog got angry and attacked him. He was in his 90s. He lingered in the hospital for a month and then died. So that's what might happen when you are in the habit of beating your dog. They do have teeth!
    cluckeyo, Jul 21, 2016
    Winterybella and IcyBC like this.
  5. Winterybella

    IcyBC Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    The whole concept of beating someone or animals to do what you want is so wrong! Really now, think about it, they will do it because they are afraid and are hurting. What do you gain from violent? You can get the same result with sweetness and kindness and loving. It would be less terrifying for everybody and only strengthen the bond.
    IcyBC, Jul 21, 2016
  6. Winterybella

    Winterybella Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2014
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    West Indies
    I see this young man almost daily and truth be told he is someone I really appreciate but now every time I see him I can't help but think I need to get him into a different mind set. My son is much closer to him and I asked if he knew how his friend 'disciplines' the dog. He told me he has been telling him to adopt a different approach without success. I have to say he is not alone in this thinking of whipping the dogs. I know a few who think it's the way to get results. The sad thing is that most think it's an act of love. I maintain it's a cultural thing in these parts.. Sad but true.
    Winterybella, Jul 21, 2016
  7. Winterybella

    claudine Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    I think it's horrible. Beating a dog is like beating a child, it's pointless, cruel and unforgivable. Violence leads to more violence, it doesn't solve problems.
    I would never beat Homer or any other dog.
    Some people are worse than animals:(
    claudine, Jul 27, 2016
    Winterybella likes this.
  8. Winterybella

    Winterybella Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2014
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    West Indies
    I know how you feel about this. I know Homer would never get that kind of treatment. It's sad but it happens a lot I think.
    Winterybella, Jul 27, 2016
  9. Winterybella

    Corzhens Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Ask any vet and they will tell you to NEVER hit your dog. They have emotions too, you know, and hitting them is very painful, not only the physical pain but more of the emotional pain the hitting causes. If you want to discipline your dog, you can threaten by showing your slippers or you can scold by your loud voice but never hit them. I understand that there are unruly dogs which needs a beating but my suggestion is to pat the behind like you are spanking but lightly only. That would scare the dog.
    Corzhens, Aug 2, 2016
  10. Winterybella

    claudine Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    It's very sad. I wish there was a way to stop people who use violence against dogs. Just thinking about them makes me feel sick. I honestly think they should rot in jail.
    claudine, Aug 2, 2016
  11. Winterybella

    remnant Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    People have to understand that animals are not capable of sinning due to the fact that they don't have a conscience but only rely on their instincts. The correct method is to train them through conditioning or repetitive action. Therefore spanking animals will only increase their pain since they wouldn't understand why they are being spanked in the first place. Dog's bones are also brittle and they are likely to snap if one applies too much force.
    remnant, Aug 2, 2016
  12. Winterybella

    Winterybella Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2014
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    West Indies
    Sadly I don't think there are any laws in my country to address this. I could look into it though. All I do at present is try to present the facts but in this particular case I am getting nowhere. I hope things change. Maybe I should print him some information so he understands how cruel it is to do what he is doing. This guy actually believes he gets results...sad but true.
    Winterybella, Aug 3, 2016
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