Hey everyone!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Sharon Lesperance, Jan 2, 2017.

  1. Sharon Lesperance

    Sharon Lesperance New Member

    Jan 2, 2017
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    I am a new member here and thanks so much for having us. Us as in me and My 4 APBT/AB. I am interested in many topics in regards to care and feeding my four rescue babies. I started rescue life in 2009-2010. Many have come to me to be transferred to various srwscues in our Pgh Pa area. However, 4 of those rescued captured my heart and never left me!!! Nikita, a back yard breeder dog,Syd V, a drug puppy, Raggs, a severe case of abuse and neglect. And finally chubby puppy Mia, she was the last one I personally adopted. She was owned by a memeber of our military and was always going on tours of duty, so she never got outa her crate much. I took her!! So my hands are full but they are cared and loved on daily. I hope to get some feed back o. Questions that are concerning to me regarding my pack! I look fwd to ALL REASONABLE FEED BACK!!! My dogs are my life, yes they are Put Bulls so please refrain from the basic chatter about how dangerous these wonderful dogs are. Don't believe the hype!!! Thanks and ttyl!!! Sharon!!!
    Sharon Lesperance, Jan 2, 2017
    George & Theo likes this.
  2. Sharon Lesperance

    Becky Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
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    Welcome to the forum :)
    Becky, Jan 3, 2017
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