Do vets recommend pill pockets?

Pets are smart about avoiding their meds, but you're smarter. Designed and recommended by vets, GREENIES™ PILL POCKETS™ Treats for Dogs make it easy to give your dog medicine. Don't hide medicine in human foods, such as peanut butter or cheese. Give a healthy, low-calorie dog treat instead.
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Are pill pockets good for dogs?

GREENIES PILL POCKETS Treats are the number-one vet-recommended choice for giving pills. * One of the best ways to get your dog to take medicine is to hide the tablet inside a tasty treat. GREENIES PILL POCKETS Treats have built-in pouches to easily hide medicine and ensure your dog takes it.
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What is an alternative to pill pockets for dogs?

Creative disguise: If pill pockets aren't a hit with your dog, try hiding their medication in other types of food. Popular options include soft cheese, deli meat, or a spoonful of canned dog food. Just be sure to avoid foods that are toxic to dogs, like chocolate, grapes, or anything containing xylitol.
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What is an alternative to greenies pill pockets?

Purina Whisker Lickin's Tender Moments are a popular and palatable alternative if your cat will not eat Greenies Pill Pockets. These soft treats come in chicken, salmon, and chicken and cheese flavors. Simply mold the treat around the pill and give to your cat!
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How do you give a difficult dog a pill?

Wrap a piece of your dog's regular food or treat in the pill wrap and give it to your dog. This can help them get used to the texture of a hard "center." Make sure you don't touch the pill and then touch the masking wrap.
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Give Your Cat or Dog Medicine, Made Easy with Greenies PILL POCKETS®

How do you give an uncooperative dog a pill?

2. How to get your dog to take a pill using “the bait and switch” method
  1. Hide the pill in treats/food.
  2. Wash hands. (Yes, seriously. ...
  3. Get two more of the same treats used to hide the pill in. ...
  4. Give the first treat without a pill in it. ...
  5. Give the second treat with the pill in it. ...
  6. Give the third treat without a pill in it.
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Do Greenies Pill Pockets actually work?

My dog recently had surgery and it was vital he take his antibiotics and pain medication so I took the plunge. I had to tear them into thirds and ball the pill up in them (he's a small dog) but they worked beautifully! In fact, he keeps thinking they're a treat and wants more (I don't indulge).
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Are Greenie pill pockets bad for dogs?

There are products, like Greenies Pill Pockets, that can make the process of giving dogs their pills a lot more efficient and effective. You'll also have peace of mind in knowing that none of the ingredients will affect your dog or their medication.
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Are dental sticks or greenies better?

Our Winner: Greenies

They also have special formulas for puppies, seniors, and weight management. While both are effective at cleaning your dog's teeth, the wide range of Greenies formulations, flavor, and sizes gives it an edge over the Pedigree Dentastix.
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What are the 3 ingredient pill pockets for dogs?

Oat Homemade Dog Pill Pocket Recipe
  • 1 Tablespoon water.
  • 1 Tablespoon natural peanut butter (no sugar or sweetner)
  • 3 Tablespoon oats (add more if needed for consistency)
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Is peanut butter good for my dog?

Dogs can eat – and many really enjoy – peanut butter. But beware, some peanut butter brands contain an ingredient called xylitol, which is toxic to dogs and even eating small amounts can be fatal.
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What are the safest things for dogs to chew on?

Types of Edible Dog Chews
  • Rawhide. Rawhide, which is made from the inner layer of horse or cowhide, is a popular chew, but rawhide safety depends on the dog. ...
  • Bully Sticks. Unlike rawhide, bully sticks, sometimes known as pizzle sticks, are easily digestible. ...
  • Antlers. ...
  • Yak Cheese Chews. ...
  • Human-Made Edible Bones.
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What can I buy to stop my dog pulling?

Training collars, such as slip, choke, prong, or electronic collars, all rely on causing pain to stop a dog from pulling. When the leash is tight, the collar causes pain around the dog's neck. When the leash is loose, the pain is stopped. If the collar is effective, the dog learns to keep the leash loose to avoid pain.
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What is in peanut butter that is not good for dogs?

Just make sure to avoid peanut butter with Xylitol, a sugar substitute found in lower or sugar-free products. Xylitol is the only ingredient in peanut butter that's bad for dogs. It doesn't matter the brand, if you give your dog peanut butter without Xylitol, then your furry friend can enjoy it.
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Do Greenies dissolve in a dogs stomach?

Soluble dental chews dissolve in liquid. GREENIES™ Dental Chews contain highly soluble ingredients that cause the treat to begin breaking down immediately upon contact with canine saliva and continue as they go through the chewing process and reach the digestive enzymes in the stomach.
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What are the side effects of Greenies for dogs?

Greenies allergy symptoms may vary, but the most common are:
  • Aggravation.
  • Bluish skin.
  • Coughing.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Drooling.
  • Ear inflammation and itching.
  • Excessive licking of any part of the body.
  • Fainting.
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What are the pill pockets for dogs with sensitive stomachs?

Gulpz Pill Hiding Probiotic Treats for Dogs

Because giving medications may cause stomach upset, Gulpz are formulated with all-natural Ginger Root and Lactospore, a patented probiotic to support gastric health. They also include Omega Fatty Acids, Vitamins, & Antioxidants to promote recovery and immune support.
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Do vets recommend Greenies?

Greenies for dogs are accepted by the VOHC and are a great fit for many pets. They are an edible treat that can be found in a variety of sizes. However, some dogs may have sensitivities to the original formula as it contains wheat.
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Are pill pockets healthy?

Do Pill Pockets Have Nutritional Value? Yes, some pill pockets and pastes have nutritional value, depending on the brand. Some may contain added minerals and nutrients, making them rich in beneficial nutrients and low in calories and fat. They may even contain probiotics to help your pet maintain a healthy gut.
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How long do Greenies pill pockets last after opening?

How long do these last after the bag is opened? Greenies Pill Pockets can last for up to a 1-2 months, if stored in a cool and dry place.
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Is it OK to crush pills for dogs?

Crush and mix into dog's food

Some tablets may be crushed and mixed into your dog's wet food. However, you should check first because some pills contain a medicated coating. If you're unsure if your dog's medicine can be crushed, you can call one of our Pharmacists (1-888-738-6331) who will be happy to help.
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Can you crush a pill to give to a dog?

Don't crush pills or open capsules unless your veterinary team says it's OK. That includes “delayed release” and coated and long-acting medications. Crushing can cause unwanted side effects and/or cause the medication to not work or make the taste even worse. Use pet food as a delivery method.
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Can dogs have applesauce?

Can Dogs Eat Applesauce? Yes, dogs can safely eat plain applesauce! But applesauce generally includes added sugars, so always choose unsweetened applesauce and give it to them in moderation. You can freeze applesauce in ice cube trays and share them with your dog after a long walk or on a hot summer day.
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